Motivating employees is one of the most important, yet often overlooked, function of running a company.

Studies and research have shown that money is not the top motivating factor for employees.
What motivates employees the most? A sense of feeling needed, appreciated, and belonging to the corporate team. Most people are defined by their job and they also spend more time with their fellow employees than they do at home with their families.

So armed with this knowledge, the business owner and/or the management team must find methods to get the employees motivated and dedicated to the mission of the company. If you are successful in making this happen, the company will benefit as a result.

I believe in open dialogue with employees, even to the point of disagreement among two or more parties. If managed correctly, the ability to express frustration either with each other or with the company, provides a forum to openly address issues.

I also like to hold creativity meetings where employees can use their creative abilities to assist the company in becoming an even better performing organization. This helps employees build an emotional attachment to the company, thus creating a non- monetary investment in the company.

By providing an open environment which enables employees to vent and be creative, you are building a team which will take your company to new heights.

By using the above suggestions, you are showing your employees that you care about them and that you value them as people and partners in your business.

The atmosphere and work environment will change, and now that you have motivated and engaged employees, your company will have formed a strong internal shell. If times become tough, it won’t only be you who is in the battle, you will have an army of support.

Now, what about that raise?

At Net Profit, we don’t just consult, we solve problems.

If you would like more advice, please call us at 330-620-2761 for a free, confidential consultation.

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